January 2010 Archives

Pounding the skins

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Pounding the skins, originally uploaded by netwert.

At Webop, January 31

Singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

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On his own, unprompted (except my nudge in the middle). January 18

All by myself

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All by myself, originally uploaded by netwert.

Thirteen blocks high, January 22. (Also: the iPhone 3GS has crappy low-light exposure.)

I dunno, what are you gonna order?

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I dunno, what are you gonna order?, originally uploaded by netwert.

January 21

Nathan on Twitter

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So Nate has a Twitter feed now. (Would you expect any less?) Dad is posting the more amusing/impressive things he says. Not so interesting just yet, but soon to be.


At some point I will get a weekly import of tweets from there to here.

Travel companions

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Travel companions, originally uploaded by netwert.

JetBlue EWR-PBI, December 24

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This page is an archive of entries from January 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

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