July 2010 Archives

Family portrait, July 2010 (II)

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Family portrait, July 2010 (II), originally uploaded by netwert.

Bearskin Neck, Rockport, MA, July 24

"This is what we do while our moms shop."

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Bearskin Neck, Rockport, MA, July 24

Boys being boys

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Boys being boys, originally uploaded by netwert.

Bass Rocks, Gloucester, MA, July 24


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Reeeeach, originally uploaded by netwert.

Gloucester, MA, July 24

Mmmm... donut

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Mmmm... donut, originally uploaded by netwert.

Outside Hartford, CT, July 23


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Thomas!, originally uploaded by netwert.

Visiting Thomas the Train, July 11

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This page is an archive of entries from July 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

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