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links for 2009-08-11

  • Getting mired in posts like this is partly why I sometimes just stop blogging (and twittering) for awhile, like I have this month. Sometimes everyone is speaking, no one is listening, and all we get is a digital Speakers' Corner. Anil Dash has it right these days: post ideas, not arguments.


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The concoction
3 parts observation
2 parts introspection
1 part links
1 part creativity
1 part stinging wit
dash of sarcasm

The history
The Ideapad debuted on November 1, 1998 and has been through numerous incarnations through the years. It is now a weblog and personal journal.
Once upon a time I wrote Usability: The Site Speaks for Itself (Publisher's page / Amazon.com)
Once in a whenever I consult as User Savvy (dormant)
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